Android 15 has just achieved a significant milestone

Android 15 Beta - Modern Tech Updates

It’s beta software season! Enjoying a smooth and uneventful rollout, the third beta of Android 15 is out today from Google and is getting closer to the final build. This update delivers platform stability so now we have to stop points on the APIs, and other applications can be tested using that application’s almost final form. No great deal has changed in the recent beta releases and not much seems to be striking new in this case as well.

To show that the new beta is not the old one under a new label, Google lists one of the most significant changes in the passkey UI. The use of the press key with the biometric input has been made easier and brought down from two steps to one single step, which is the Google Password Manager pop-up screen and the biometric input screen. Further, options to control the browser have been placed on the keyboard and in the drop-down menu of the text field and the option to switch to a previous page has been provided in case you accidentally skip the passkey. Very convenient!

But there is even more to explore in Android 15 as the platform prepares for its stable release. A new feature spotted by Android guru Mishaal Rahman for Pixel devices concerns the possibility of detecting that a biometric model isn’t very good, deleting it, and asking you to retrain it. Previously, you would need to do this manually, which explains why this feature helps users who often wouldn’t know that re-scanning their biometrics can help improve the performance of a device. While Rahman admits that a variety of aspects can influence the efficiency of a biometric model, the Simple and Non-Linear model worked effectively, with enrolment problems being solved by re-enrolment.

You could catch up with all the new features that are planned for the next release of Android 15, or you could even download it now, given that it is almost final. If you fancy some more adventure, you could also give a go of iOS 18 developer beta on your iPhone as it was released only last week. However, innovative, it is a beta season for both Android and iOS.

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